EBLIDA – Promoting Libraries and EBLIDA Literacies – Promoting culture and Information Society in Europe
Information Literacyinformation literacy
EBLIDA – Promoting Libraries and EBLIDA Literacies – Promoting culture and Information Society in Europe
The European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) is an independent umbrella association of library, information and documentation associations and institutions in Europe. EBLIDA is active in issues related to Culture and the Information Society and as embracing cultural diversity is at the heart of the European Union so libraries play an important role in nurturing and promoting access to all parts of European culture.
The aim of the EBLIDA Literacies group is to maintain a good general awareness of European cultural and information society issues, including policies relating to skills development and citizen participation, and promote the added value that libraries can bring to these programmes. The group was named EBLIDA literacies to better reflect the social equality concerns within the EU agenda including its Digital Single Market programme.