Nové technológie vyžadujú nové myslenie / New technologies Needs New Minds
E-servicestechnological progressNové technológie výrazne určujú podobu súčasného sveta. Aj keď v knižniciach pracuje prevaha tých, čo informácie hľadajú a overujú v tradičných zdrojoch, a potom porovnávajú overené a pre istotu ešte raz konzultujú, naše mladšie cieľové skupiny používateľov to vidia inak. Rozhodujúca nie je verifikácia, ale čas a forma. Mobilné zariadenia, predovšetkým telefóny, im tvoria „prirodzené pokračovanie horných končatín.“ Vedia vyťažiť na maximum funkcie takýchto zariadení a v každej službe, ktorú im ponúknete, očakávajú uplatnenie technológií.
New technologies Needs New Ninds
The article discusses use of new technologies in the academic library. As shown by the experience of the University Library of University of Žilina (UK ŽU) with introducing new collections of e-books and e-textbooks, the users community is prepared for modern technologies, it requires that they are present in the library services, and it can define other information needs. The implementation of new services calls for the strategy, how to compose e-book collections optimally, how to prepare their use by means of mobile applications, how to interactively vary their offer and keep them interesting. As evidenced by the experience of UKŽU, it is important to prepare precise marketing campaigns each time that new series of books or new products are introduced. The marketing campaigns should be prepared with respect to the target group profile, in our case the members of academia. The article includes the analysis of situations and reactions of the academic community, especially some authors who conditioned the access to the electronic texts by the copyright system.