Výročie samostatnej Katedry knižničnej a informačnej vedy Filozofickej fakulty UK v kontexte rozvoja informačnej vedy na Slovensku

AnniversaryDepartment of Library and Information Science FiF UKlibrary and information science

V tomto roku si pripomíname 60. výročie vzniku samostatnej Katedry knižničnej a informačnej vedy na Filozofickej fakulte UK (školský rok 1960/61). Aj keď sa knihovníctvo na fakulte začalo vyučovať v rôznych formách dvojročných programov už od roku 1951, samostatná katedra bola založená v roku 1960.

Úctyhodných 60 rokov vývoja katedry znamenalo pre knihovníctvo, bibliografiu, ale aj knižničnú a informačnú vedu výrazný prínos.

V podstate sa profesionalizoval prístup k rozvoju knižníc a informačných inštitúcií nielen z hľadiska rozvoja systému knižníc, ale aj z hľadiska rozvoja automatizácie a digitalizácie v kontexte kultúrneho dedičstva Slovenska, moderných knižničných a informačných služieb a rozvoja teórie a metodológie odboru.

The anniversary of the independent Department of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava in the context of the development of information science in Slovakia

The paper acknowledges a brief history of the development of the Department of LIS, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the independent department. It is connected with past papers devoted to the history of the department and summarizes numbers of graduates, doctoral students and new professions in digital environment.

It is focused on research, projects, publishing and international relations in the last 30 years. The most significant publications in the last 30 years are mentioned, namely the dictionary Information education (1998) and a new explanatory dictionary Information science (2020). We remember the selected international conferences organized by the Department in the last 30 years (e.g. 2003, 2006. 2011) and the conference Information interactions (2013-2019). We summarize rich international contacts, especially from the years 2005, when the European curriculum of Library and Information Science has been developed by EUCLID, but also publications published abroad and important lectures and international projects.

We also acknowledge the contribution of the Erasmus programme in support of international contacts of students and teachers. We also mention our significant home research projects in agencies as APVV, VEGA, KEGA and current topics of research (information behavior in digital environment, perception of texts) and latest publications of the members of the Department. We emphasize the collaboration with practice, student conferences and non-formal and popular events (Night of Researchers, Librarians´ Barcamp and others). After 30 years of the free development, the Department has become an integral part of the professional international community.
