Týždeň otvoreného prístupu 2019 – Otvorené pre koho? Rovnosť v prístupe k otvoreným vedomostiam│Open Access Week 2019 – “Open for Whom? equity in Open knowledge”

Eventsopen access

Týždeň otvoreného prístupu sa tento rok uskutoční 21 – 27. októbra. Tohtoročnou témou je rovnosť v prístupe k otvoreným vedomostiam, ktorá nadväzuje na minuloročnú tému, ktorou bolo formovanie spravodlivých základov pre otvorené poznanie. Tento ročník je už jedenásty v poradí.

The theme for the 2019 International Open Access Week which will be held October 21-27, will be “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”. As open becomes the default, all stakeholders must be intentional about designing these new, open systems to ensure that they are inclusive, equitable, and truly serve the needs of a diverse global community. Asking “open for whom?” will help ensure that considerations of equity become and remain central in this period of transition. During Open Access Week in SCSTI we organize a webinar about basics of Open Access and conference „Open Access: its opportunities and challenges“, which will be held on October 24.

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