Metadata Management and Future plans to Generate Linked Open Data in the Hungarian Web Archiving Pilot Project


In this article we would like to offer a short overview about the metadata management model of our web archiving pilot project together with international recommendations as a major background of modelling. It is including an outlook to the scope of metadata management (archive-level and website-level), an overview of major metadata types and description of some major metadata fields (more than one hundred fields are available). Metadata based full-text search and retrieval capabilities are also being described in the article. The second chapter of the article points out that the absence of efficient and meaningful exploration methods of the archived content is a really major hurdle in the way to turn web archives to a usable and useful information resource. A major challenge in information science can be the adaptation of semantic web tools and methods to web archive environments. The web archives must be a part of the linked data universe with advanced query and integration capabilities, and must be able to directly exploitable by other systems and tools. We would like to describe some basic considerations in order to successfully manage this semantic web integration process as a plan to the future.

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