Omega-Psir – Institutional CRIS at Polish Universities
Main ArticlesCRISDigital LibraryInstitutional repositoryKnowledge baseresearch managment
OMEGA-PSIR is an institutional Current Research Information System, originally developed at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). The system is used for presenting the University research in various aspects. It is also used for internal research assessment purposes and is able to report to the Polish Ministry. Since 2013 OMEGA-PSIR has been used as University Knowledge Base1. The system has been adopted by 12 Polish institutions. A special User Group has been launched for coordinating the system development. At the universities OMEGA-PSIR operates as institutional repository thus being able to support the implementation of Open Access and Open Science. In addition, it is used as institutional CRIS.
In the paper we briefly present the main system architecture and its features. We also focus on the experience of WUT, discussing the organizational matters that have to be solved for heterogeneous sources of information, such as distributed data entry for the bibliographic materials, staff activities and achievements, and theses on one side, and information about the research projects on the other side.
Omega-Psir – Institutional CRIS at Polish Universities
H Rybinsky, W Kubrak, J Koperwas, Ł Skonieczny, W Struk (2018), “Omega-Psir – Institutional CrIS at Polish Universities“. ITlib.Informačné technológie a knižnice Special Issue 2018: pp 36 – 44