Číslo Špeciál 2018/2018


Adrdress / Editorial office

Milí čitatelia, rovnako, ako predchádzajúce pravidelné členské mítingy medzinárodnej organizácie pre výskumné informácie euroCRIS, sa aj ten, ktorý hostilo Centrum vedecko-technických...


Adrdress / Ed Simons

Dear Reader, Research Information Systems, commonly called CRIS, increasingly take a central place as key information resources within the field of research. Originally (starting some 30 years ago)...


Adrdress / Danica Zendulková

Keď hovoríme o výskumných informáciách, knihovnícka obec si väčšinou predstaví vedecké databázy, publikačnú činnosť a citácie. Medzi výskumné informácie však patrí opis celého...

Hlavné články

The Added value of a CRIS in Archiving Research Data and Registering Data Management Plans A Case Study of Radboud University and the National Data Archive DANS, the Netherlands

  In 2016, Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and national data archive DANS initiated a project to extend Radboud University’s CRIS (METIS) to allow researchers to register and...

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Omega-Psir – Institutional CRIS at Polish Universities

  OMEGA-PSIR is an institutional Current Research Information System, originally developed at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). The system is used for presenting the University research...

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From Data Collection to FAIR Use in CRIS. The Case of University of Vienna

  Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) have been implemented at Austrian Universities, as in many other European countries, with the incentive to account for  scientific conduct of...

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The role of Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) in Supporting Open Science Implementation: the Case of Strathclyde

  CRIS systems are playing an increasingly relevant role in the implementation of Open Access and Research Data Management (RDM) policies at research-performing  organisations. This is not...

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The Information System for R&D in the Context of R&D Environment in the Slovak Republic

  The research and development (R&D) environment in Slovakia is comprehensive and envisions the interaction of several key players, such as the universities, Slovak Academy of Sciences,...

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Informačný systém pre vedu a výskum na Žilinskej univerzite

  V rámci OP Vzdelávanie bol na Žilinskej univerzite v Žiline (UNIZA) riešený projekt zameraný na rozvoj ľudských zdrojov s podporou integrovaného informačného systému na ...