The Added value of a CRIS in Archiving Research Data and Registering Data Management Plans A Case Study of Radboud University and the National Data Archive DANS, the Netherlands
Main Articles Archiving dataCRISDANS data archiveData managment PlansFAIRMetadataResearch Data Managment
In 2016, Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and national data archive DANS initiated a project to extend Radboud University’s CRIS (METIS) to allow researchers to register and archive their research data in the CRIS, at the same time making data available for reuse at the DANS archive. As we speak (spring 2018), a data management plan (DMP) module is being added, allowing rese archers to draft a nd r egister DMPs via the CR IS . All modul es together offer a one-stop- shop for r esearchers: dat a registration and archiving combined with regis tration of DMPs and articles, u ploading full te xt to the publication repository, linking between results and the creation of researcher’s profile pages.
The paper will explain the technical adjustments to the CRIS and DANS systems, and the services guaranteeing FAIR data archiving. This l atter also includes ser vices on data curatio n processes, which secure the qualit y of t he met adata and documentation of the archived data. We use Radboud University as a good practice of the use of CRISs in the research data life cycle. It will be demonstrated that both for researchers and research institutes, a CRIS oriented approach to research data management brings added value.
M Jetten, I Slouwerhof (2018), “The added value of a CRIS in archiving research data and Registering Data Management Plans. A Case Study of Radboud University and the National Data Archive DANS, the Netherlands”. ITlib.Informačné technológie a knižnice Special Issue 2018: pp 45 – 50