Analýza možností využitia výsledkov digitalizácie v knižniciach: sprístupňovanie digitálneho obsahu vo vedeckých knižniciach prostredníctvom inštitucionálnych repozitárov – výsledky výskumu / Analyzing Options of Digitization Results Usage in Libraries. Accessing Digital Content in Scientific Libraries through Institutional Repositories
Main ArticlesrepositoryDigitalizácia kultúrneho obsahu ešte stále patrí k naliehavým úlohám dnešných dní s ohľadom na svoje dvojité poslanie: ponúka vhodný spôsob, ako ochrániť a uchovať efemérny, krehký alebo ohrozený kultúrny obsah (ochranná digitalizácia) a zároveň umožňuje, alebo mala by umožniť, všeobecný prístup k digitalizovanému materiálu bez ohľadu na miesto jeho uloženia. Digitalizovaný, alebo pôvodne digitálny obsah (born digital) v súčasnosti vnímame, ako neoddeliteľnú súčasť kultúrneho dedičstva. Tieto základné predpoklady umožnili a naďalej umožňujú rozvíjať stratégie a štandardy v oblasti digitalizácie, sprístupňovania a dlhodobého uchovávania digitálneho obsahu.
Analyzing Options of Digitization Results Usage in Libraries. Accessing Digital Content in Scientific Libraries through Institutional Repositories
Aim of this dissertation thesis is the area of digitization in research libraries environment with special focus on accessing digital content through digital libraries and repositories. Thesis seeks to map development in this area in relation to Slovak environment context. It also describes library and repository digitization projects in Slovak memory institutions (MLA). Function of institutional repositories is to store and enable use of scientific content, however, the repositories are also used as a source of grey literature and digital content in context of digital cultural heritage, in accordance with needs and designs of memory institutions. Development of institutional repositories in Slovakia is still met with challenges and obstacles from both institutional and user end. In recent years, multiple beneficial research projects taking place at universities mentioned in the thesis were realized. Thesis aims to expand the view by describing development in scientific libraries and other memory institutions. A goal is also to bring more detail concerning issues connected with institutional repositories in cultural and scientific institutions that strive to make digital content accessible. At the same time, thesis deals with implementation and opening of institutional repository placed in one of scientific libraries in Slovakia. By confirming theoretical principles and models in praxis, and continual observation of project development, thesis strives to identify possible issues, and come up with recommendations for projects in institutions of similar type. Two project case studies show different approaches to digitization and use of digital content in digital libraries and repositories. Research is supported by use of structured interviews, questionnaire survey, and other qualitative methods. Thesis concludes with recommendations for implementation and management of institutional repository in the environment of scientific library, or other memory institution.