Virtuálny pohľad na 80 rokov CVTI SR prostredníctvom špecializovanej zbierky digitálnej knižnice / 80 years of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in Digital Collection
Introducingdigital librariesdigital contentNa začiatku sme mali v našom oddelení predstavu vytvoriť k osemdesiatemu výročiu CVTI SR niečo výnimočné, neskôr naša predstava nadobudla jasnejšie rysy. Rozhodli sme sa, že prostredníctvom digitalizácie archívnych periodík, fotiek a publikácií vybudujeme špecializovanú digitálnu zbierku reflektujúcu osemdesiat rokov činnosti
80 years of the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information in Digital Collection
This year the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) celebrates eighty years since it was officially established on the 25th of June 1938. To mark the occasion the department of Digitization, repositories and archiving made a special digital collection called 80 years of SCSTI using the latest technologies in presenting the digitized content in a new and exciting way. We made a specialized website by reusing the imported items from the digital library and through which we provide access to digitized content (photos, magazines, and special publications). This specialized website gives a stimulating overview of the past eighty years in the life of the institution.