Ochrana osobných údajov podľa GDPR v podmienkach knižníc / Personal Data Protection under Conditions of Libraries in accordance with the GDPR

Library Profession GDPRPrivacy


Osobné údaje sú dôležitou súčasťou života každého človeka a predstavujú tú najosobnejšiu sféru ľudského bytia. Ich ochrana pramení predovšetkým z Ústavy  Slovenskej republiky a patrí medzi základné ľudské práva a slobody; aj z toho dôvodu osobné údaje požívajú vysoký stupeň právnej ochrany.



In May 2016 new regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR) was adopted on the European level. Rules that were applied in the previous period were repealed. GDPR is directly applicable and enforceable since 25. May 2018. In general, GDPR brings several (also) significant changes in the area of personal data protection, whether it is completely new institutes in fulfilling the obligations for the controllers or within rights of the data subjects, but also changes in the existing rules, changes in sanctions and control mechanism. Therefore everyone is supposed to process a new documentation and to set internal procedures under the GDPR. These changes affect both the private and public sector, including libraries. In addition, the new act No. 18/2018 Z. z. on the protection of personal data was adopted in the Slovak Republic, that should be followed in specified cases, as from 25. May 2018. It is therefore important to understand and to work with both regulations, to know when to follow the GDPR and when to act under the new Slovak act on protection of personal data, which obligations relate to the libraries and in what extent libraries should process a new documentation and, if necessary, to be able to prove it.

