Modely informačného správania v kontexte cieľov projektu HIBER (2. časť) / Models of Information Seeking Behaviour in the context of the HIBER Project Objectives (Part 2)

Information Behaviourinformation society


V prvej časti prehľadovej štúdie mapujúcej modely informačného správania sme najskôr analyzovali koncept informačnej potreby ako aktivizujúceho mechanizmu informačného správania a následne sme predstavili model M. Batesovej, ďalej tradičné modely D. Ellisa, C. C. Kuhlthauovej, B. Dervinovej a špecifické nelineárne modely A. Fostera, N. Phara, K. Järvelina a K. Byströmovej.



Models of Information Seeking Behaviour in the context of the HIBer Project Objectives (Part 2)

The second part of article describing selected models of human information behaviour is focused on five different groups of models and approaches. The first group contains of three Thomas D. Wilson’s models. The next part is aimed to Information searching models or information retrieval models developed by Peter Ingwersen, Nicoles Belkin, Amanda Spink and Tefko Saracević.

Concepts of everyday information behaviour by Elfreda A. Chatman and Reijo Savolainen represent the third group. The fourth group consists of ecological models and approaches to human information behaviour by Raya Fidel, Jela Steinerová and Kirsty Williamson. In the last group of models are very briefly mentioned three classical models of human information behaviour by James Krikelas, other by J. David Johnson, and the third by G. Leckie, K. Pettigrew and C. Sylvain.


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