Informačné správanie „google“ generácie / Information Behavior of “GOOGLE” generation
Information Behaviourinformation society
Informačné správanie mladých ľudí s dôrazom na ich informačné správanie v elektronickom prostredí je vysoko aktuálna téma. Teoretické základy, ako aj výsledky predvýskumu k tejto téme už boli publikované v čísle 4/2016.1 Teraz by sme radi priblížili najzaujímavejšie výsledky z prieskumu, ktorý bol realizovaný v rámci dizertačnej práce na tému Informačné správanie „Google“ generácie.
Information Behavior of “GOOGLE” generation
Information behavior of young people with an emphasis on their information behavior in the electronic environment is a highly current topic. The paper aims to inform about the most interesting results from a survey, which was carried out as part of the dissertation thesis on topic “Information behavior of “Google” generation. The survey of the “Google” generation behavior was aimed at young people, who can be considered as members of the “Google” generation, i.e. young people born after 1993.
For the purposes of the survey, the research sample was limited to studying youth aged 16-24. Survey results are visualized in several charts and also in a model, that reflects the information behavior of the surveyed sample of respondents.