O štúdiu na Katedre knižničnej a informačnej vedy na Filozofickej fakulte univerzity Komenského v Bratislave / About the course of Study at the Department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Arts in Comenius university in Bratislava
Library Profession library professionlibrary and information scienceeducation
Žijeme v dobe, keď technologický rozvoj predbieha rozvoj ľudský a informácií a dát je omnoho viac, ako ľudská myseľ dokáže spracovať a vyhodnotiť. V tejto, takzvanej post-pravdivej dobe sa potvrdzuje dôležitosť vzdelávania v oblasti vyhľadávania, organizácie, spracovania, analýzy a hodnotenia informácií, ktorými sa zaoberá Katedra knižničnej a informačnej vedy v odbore Informačné štúdiá.
About the course of Study at the department of Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Arts in Comenius university in Bratislava
The importance of education in the field of information searching, organization, processing, analysis and evaluation is becoming more and more important in the post-truth era. In this article, the focus of Department of Library and Information Science on Faculty of Arts, Comenius University in Bratislava, the transfer of knowledge and cooperation with partner institutions in Slovakia and abroad are outlined. Qualified work with information, information technologies and the ability to communicate in at least one foreign language are desirable skills sought by various types of institutions. Our graduates therefore find employment in libraries as well as in the other information institutions, for example as UX and SEO specialists, knowledge managers or analysts.