Datová (informační) gramotnost a výzkumná data / Data (information) Literacy and research data

Information Literacyinformation literacy

Příspěvek představuje pojem datová gramotnost a souvislost datové gramotnosti s informační gramotností zejména v kontextu výzkumných dat. Dále uvádí soubor kompetencí, které jsou s datovou gramotností spojené. Zmiňována je také situace v České republice a výzkumy týkající se výzkumných dat a jejich managementu.

Data (information) Literacy and research data

The article presents the concept of data (information) literacy, that represents a set of skills enabling individuals to access, interpret, critically assess, manage, handle and ethically use data, the development of the concept in recent years and its connection with information literacy, mainly within the framework of research data. Individual skills and competences belonging to data literacy are introduced in a scheme that tries to show their interdependencies and relationships. The article also mentions the situation in the Czech Republic and studies that have already been carried out in the field of research data management, including a brief summary of a Czech part of international data literacy and research data management survey that was conducted at the Charles University. The survey results show an interest in research data topics and willingness to share data, but a lack of practical data management skills.
