Národný workshop OpenAire / National Workshop OpenAire
EventsConferences, seminars, trainings, eventsopen accessDňa 23. októbra 2017 sa uskutočnil v Centre vedeckotechnických informácií SR (CVTI SR) v Bratislave národný workshop, ktorý zorganizovalo CVTI SR vďaka podpore projektu OpenAIRE.
National Workshop OpenAire
The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) as the National Open Access Desk (NOAD) for Slovak Republic at the OpenAIRE project have organized the National Workshop OpenAIRE, which took place on October 23rd 2017 in Bratislava at SCSTI premises. The workshop was designed for the librarians, scientists, H2020 and FP7 project coordinators, publishers, policy makers and other people interested in Open Access issues. About 80 participants attended this meeting. The keynote speaker was Ms. Iryna Kuchma, who is directly involved in the OpenAIRE project. She presented the project in her presentation: OpenAIRE: Fostering the social and technical links that enable Open Science in Europe and beyond. Ms. Gwen Franck, also from OpenAIRE project, presented the OpenAIRE FP7 Post Grant OA Pilot: results of the first two years. Other topics that were presented at the workshop were Open Access in Horizon 2020, Open Government Principles – the National Policy for support of Open Science and Open Access, Creative Commons Licenses and Predators: Dangers of Open Access Publishing. At the end of the event, participants had the opportunity to meet and discuss with the speakers at Open Café.