Digital Humanities – stručné shrnutí stávajícího stavu problematiky v ČR /Digital Humanities – a Short Summary of the current State of issue in Czech Republic
Science Communicationdigital humanitiesOblast tzv. digital humanities je v současné době jednou z nejprogresivněji se rozvíjejících oblastí vědecké práce v oblasti sociálních a humantních věd, do které spadají obory, jakými jsou například historie, sociologie, jazykověda či filozofie.
Digital Humanities – a Short Summary of the current State of issue in czech republic
Digital humanities belong currently to one of the most progressive areas of scientific work in the field of social and human sciences. Such a way of research is very frequently used in the research disciplines such as history, sociology, linguistics or philosophy. Digital humanities combine the existing research principles of ground research, with the possibilities of the every day work with the digital content, big data, proffesional databases and other digital resources by the help of various computing techniques. Digital humanities enable to change the classic paradigm of scientific work and open the new areas for research.