Ako informácie skvalitňujú život – konferencia Bobcatsss 2017 / How information to improve the life: conference Bobcatsss 2017
Eventslibrarieslibrary and information scienceeventsV dňoch 25. – 27. 1. 2017 sa vo fínskom Tampere konala konferencia Bobcatsss 2017, ktorú zastrešuje organizácia EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research). Konferencia je každoročne organizovaná predovšetkým študentmi. Tohto roku, kedy oslavovala svoje 25. výročie, boli v organizačnom tíme študenti z University of Tampere, Oslo, Akershuh University College (Nórsko) a Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Holandsko). Účastníkmi konferencie a prezentujúcimi boli študenti, doktorandi, zamestnanci univerzít, knižníc a iných odborných pracovísk. Príspevky na konferencii boli rozdelené do troch hlavných oblastí: knižnice, informácie a interaktívne médiá a zastrešovala ich téma „Skvalitňovanie života informáciami.“
How information to improve the life: conference Bobcatsss 2017
Bobcatsss 2017 Conference was held in January in finnish Tampere. Part of organizational team were mainly students from University of Tampere, Oslo, Akershuh University College (Norway) and Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands). Contributions were divided into three parts: libraries, information and interactive media. The main theme was Improving Quality of Life through Information. Presentations directly responded to specific problems and challenges in the field of information science, such as open access, open science, collaboration in communities, bibliotherapy and shared reading, information literacy, protection of user’s privacy in online environment, gamification, information ethics, information behavior of scientists and so on. 26th year of organizing the concerence, Bobcatsss 2018, is going to be held in Riga.