3D tlač ako nástroj na zvýšenie gramotnosti – digitálnej, čitateľskej … kreatívnej…/3D Print as a Tool for Increase a Literacy – Digital, reading … Creative

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Hornozemplínska knižnica vo Vranove nad Topľou je druhou knižnicou na Slovensku (po Miestnej knižnici v Devínskej Novej Vsi v Bratislave), kde bola predstavená 3D tlač, ako prostriedok pre pritiahnutie všetkých vekových skupín k digitálnej tvorbe a k vlastnému kreatívnemu vyjadreniu.

3D Print as a Tool for Increase a Literacy – Digital, reading … Creative

Libraries are an ideal public space for the promotion of new technologies. 3D printing as part of the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0 which connects the physical and digital worlds is a means to attract all ages to digital creation and to their own creative expression. 3D printing presentation at the workshop Community Library 2016 was a demonstration for pupils, students, teachers and librarians how to work in this form of digital production, how to choose from the open-source library of ready-made 3D models, how to design and print parts for the drone, the visualization of their school work, a new design model and a functional model of Toyota engines … and especially how to build a community of creative people of all ages. 3D printers in Slovenia and Croatia are installed in the BiblioMobiles.
