Google generácia žije v online svete/Information Behaviour of the Google Generation

Information Behaviourinformation societysocial networks

Google generácia je pojem, ktorý sa rozšíril zároveň so sprístupňovaním internetu a jeho služieb širokej verejnosti. Zrodila sa nová generácia mladých ľudí a nech už ich označíme akokoľvek, ich hlavnou črtou je to, že najnovšie technológie a služby, ktoré so sebou prináša dnešná doba sú súčasťou ich života prakticky od narodenia. Informačné správanie tejto skupiny ľudí je špecifické, a tak ako sa neustále vyvíja prostredie internetu a s ním spojené technológie, tak sa neustále vyvíja aj informačné správanie Google generácie.

Information Behaviour of the Google Generation

The aim of this paper is presentation of research intentions in the field of information behavior of the Google generation – which is also the title of the dissertation thesis. Another aim of this paper is to present results of a survey, which was conducted as a pilot study of the dissertation thesis. At the beginning of the presentation, main concepts related to the issue of information behavior of young people are introduced. These concepts are information behavior, information ground, information literacy and especially “Google” generation itself. In the end, results of a short survey conducted on a narrow sample of respondents are presented. Over 52 students were given a hard copy of the questionnaire and were involved in making of this pilot study. Based on the results of this survey a model of information behavior of the Google generation was designed, this model will be further adjusted during next phases of the research.
