Zkratkou k marketingu knihoven / Short-cut to Marketing Your Library

Managment and Marketing library professionlibrariesmarketing

Zkratkou k marketingu knihoven

Marketing je nutnost a je jenom na nás jak se nám podaří zaujmout publikum/klienty/kolegy tak, aby pochopili možnosti, které knihovna nabízí.

Short-cut to Marketing Your Library

Technological changes mean that the role of libraries is not as obvious or assured as in the past. This means that to survive they must actively market their products and services to their users and to their funding sources. Librarians tend however to be averse to anything which smells of selling, and anyway are usually too busy with “more important“ activities. Article spells out the critical need for marketing for libraries. More important, it provides a series of easy tools to achieve success, and encourages all librarians to make the necessary time available. It gives a brief description of classical planning and marketing techniques and some easy to follow marketing tips geared to libraries and their offerings and working practices. Article is based on the authors’ wide experience of libraries from many perspectives around the world.
