Pasteur4OA: Kľúč na otvorenie vedy / Pasteur4OA: Key for Open Science

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Pasteur4OA: Kľúč na otvorenie vedy

Projekt PASTEUR4OA nadväzuje na odporučanie Európskej komisie týkajúce sa otvoreného prístupu k výsledkom výskumu z roku 2012. Jeho cieľom je pomoc a podpora pri tvorbe národných politík otvoreného prístupu v krajinách EÚ a ich vzájomná koordinácia za  účelom dosiahnutia otvoreného prístupu ku všetkým výsledkom výskumu, financovaným z verejných zdrojov.

Pasteur4OA: Key for Open Science

The Project PASTEUR4OA follows the recommendations of the European Commission on open access to research results from 2012. Its aim is to help and support in developing national open access policies in the EU countries and their coordination in order to achieve open access to all research results funded by public funds. Several surveys and case studies were created in scope of project. They maps the starting position in Open Access, outline the fundamental issues and possible solutions. Subsequently the identification of Key Node organisations throughout Europe and the development of a network of these organisations that will play key role in European Open Access Policy creation. For improve this process the set of methodical documents (Advocacy resources) was created. The documents explain in a nutshell what is the policy of Open Access and who should it be implemented. Based on the experience of countries with the best level of open science principles implementation, advocacy resources proposes concrete formulations that the policy should contain. The aim is to achieve efficiency of policies of Open Access, as well as their harmonization across the European Union.
