For authors
At the editorial office of ITlib – Information Technologies and Librarianship, we welcome all interesting collaborations and author initiatives. You can submit your articles or proposals to:
Manuscript Preparation and Editorial Process
· The journal is produced using Adobe InDesign
· all manuscripts undergo language editing and editorial adjustments, as well as any necessary additional modifications (e.g., graphical formatting)
· detailed author guidelines for article structure, length, citations, and file format (DOC, DOCX, ODT, etc.) can be found at webpage of Author Guidelines URL
Peer-Review Process
· professional and research articles undergo independent peer review
· during the review process, the professional quality, originality, and relevance of the submission are assessed
Open Access and Licensing
· ITlib is published under an Open Access model, and no publication fees (APCs) are charged to authors
· articles are not remunerated; however, authors of published manuscripts receive a complimentary author’s copy
· authors may archive all versions of their articles in any repositories of their choice
· authors retain copyright of their work and may republish it without penalty.
· all articles are published under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license, which permits free sharing and adaptation with appropriate attribution:
Additional Information
· publication Frequency: ITlib is issued twice a year, in June and December
· The journal focuses on librarianship, information science, information technologies, and other interdisciplinary topics. For more details on the journal’s scope and content, please visit the About the Journal section.
Scope and Focus of the Journal
ITlib – Information Technologies and Librarianship is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing on both theoretical and practical issues at the intersection of library and information science and information technologies. Published by the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI), the journal provides a platform for researchers, professionals, and practitioners to share insights, foster innovation, and explore the latest developments in modern librarianship.
Focus and Scope
In addition to its established coverage of library and information science and related technologies, ITlib welcomes contributions that delve into forward-looking topics, including:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in librarianship (e.g., chatbots, machine learning for metadata creation, and automated research support)
- Digital Humanities, especially the convergence of cultural heritage, data analytics, and technological innovation
- Long-Term Preservation (LTP) strategies for ensuring accessibility and integrity of digital content
- Digitization and processing of information resources, including workflows, best practices, and case studies
- Library Information Systems, from next-generation integrated library systems to discovery tools
- Innovations in library services and practices, reflecting emerging trends, project implementations, and creative service models
While these themes represent core focal areas, ITlib also encourages submissions on other relevant topics within the broader realm of library and information science and practice.
The journal is published twice a year – in June and December – both in print and online at
Submission Deadlines
- April – submission deadline for Issue 01
- October – submission deadline for Issue 02
Language and Originality
- Submissions are accepted in Slovak, Czech, or English.
- Authors must ensure that the submitted text is original and has not been published in another journal.
Submitting Manuscripts
- Please send your manuscripts electronically to:
- The editorial office reserves the right to carry out language and editorial revisions in consultation with the author.
Types and Structure of Submissions
Professional Articles in the Journal’s Sections
- Title: concise and informative, provided in Slovak (or Czech) and English.
- Abstract: an informative summary in Slovak (or Czech) and English, structured as follows:
Originality/Value - Keywords: 4–7 keywords in the article’s language and in English.
- Main Text: may include Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, etc.
- References: listed in accordance with STN ISO 690:2022.
- Author Contact Information: full name (including academic titles), mailing address, affiliation, and email.
- Recommended length: at least 16,000 characters, including spaces.
Submissions in the “Main Articles” Section
- The same requirements as for professional articles (title, abstract, keywords, main text, references, contact).
- Recommended length: at least 33,000 characters, including spaces.
Formatting Guidelines
- Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word (DOC, DOCX) or a compatible format (ODT).
- Font: Calibri, 11 pt.
- Hyperlinks: present as active hyperlinks (all hyperlinks must be underlined).
- Footnotes: may be used for explanatory or supplementary notes.
- References: follow ISO 690:2021, using the author-date (Harvard) system for in-text citations.
Recommended Reading:
Images, Figures, and Tables
- Tables, charts, photographs, or other visual materials should also be submitted separately (preferably in PDF, or PNG/JPG for images) and their intended placement indicated within the text.
- Use the Calibri font, 11 pt, for charts and tables.
- Optimal resolution: Images: 300 dpi. Logos: 1200 dpi. Charts: 600 dpi.
- Cover Photo: minimum size A4 at 240 dpi (approximately 1,980 × 2,800 px).
- Cover Graphics and Advertisements: all logos, text, and charts should be placed at least 2 cm from the edge of an A4 page (PDF format).
Peer-Review Process
- Professional and research articles undergo independent peer review.
Publication Decision
- The ITlib editorial office makes the final decision regarding publication.
Honorariums and Fees
- Articles are not remunerated. Authors of published articles receive a complimentary author’s copy.
- No publication fees (APCs) are charged.
Copyright and Licensing
- Authors retain full rights to their published articles and working versions and may republish or archive them in any repositories.
- Articles are published under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license:–nc–nd/4.0/ .
Personal Data Protection
- The Data Controller – the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI) – processes authors’ personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill contractual and legal obligations, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on Personal Data Protection.
- SCSTI may process and publish an author’s personal data (title, name, surname, email, affiliation) in the print and electronic versions of the journal only with the author’s consent.
- The author provides this consent via email communication. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.
- The author is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided. The Data Controller may authorize a third party to process personal data in accordance with § 34(1) of the Personal Data Protection Act.
Detailed information on personal data protection is available at:
ITlib. Information Technologies and Libraries
Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (SCSTI)
Lamačská cesta 8A, 840 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
ISSN 1335-793X (print edition)
ISSN 1336-0779 (online edition)